Wednesday 24 December 2014


        I.            Introductory paragraph
Thesis statement: The development of human rights in Indonesia is divided into two periods: pre-independence and after independence
     II.            Body paragraph
A.     Pre-independence is period where the human rights exist before Indonesia being an independence country
1.       Boedi Oetomo
2.       Sarekat Islam
3.       Indonesian Communist Party
4.       Indonesian National Education Organization
B.     After independence is the period where the human rights in Indonesia has been growing rapidly because Indonesia has been independence.
1.       The period 1945th -1950th
2.       The period 1950th -1959th
3.       The period 1959th -1966th
4.       The period 1966th -1998th
5.       The period 1998th  to present
   III.            Concluding paragraph
The development of human right in Indonesia is the long history where everybody take a part in every periods. These periods are pre-independence and after independence. As a young man we have to develop, enforce and apply it in our daily life.


Human rights is something very important in the life of society around the world because the human rights is the inherent right of every human being since birth and that valid forever. Human rights in Indonesia is considered as an order of norms, values ​​and attitudes that serve as the base of life in the community that have been developed since long. The development of human rights in Indonesia is divided into two periods: pre-independence and after independence.
Pre-independence is period where the human rights exist before Indonesia being an independence country. At this time the development of human rights is led by political parties that developed in Indonesia. Boedi Utomo as the first party in Indonesia applied human rights by giving awareness to association and expression. For example, Boedi Utomo allow members to provide advice and give opinion when the meeting is in progress, either talking or in writing. Serekat Islam as a party that is based on Islam also give the understanding about it to all the members. The members be able to earn a decent living and free from oppression. Indonesian communist party were grounded Marxism stressed the human rights on the rights of a social nature and touch on issues relating to the means of production. Other party who has upheld human rights is Indonesian National Education Organization. This party emphasizes the rights to political rights, namely the right to express opinions, self-determination and the right to association and assembly.
The next period is the period after independence, where the human rights in Indonesia has been growing rapidly because Indonesia get freedom from colonization. The first division of this period is the period 1945th to 1950th. During this period was still focused on the independence and freedom of association through a political party where the human rights has received formal recognition for having obtained entry in the Indonesia constitution (UUD 1945). The second division of this period is the period 1950th to 1959th  which is known as the period of parliamentary democracy. Thought of human rights in this period is very proud because the atmosphere of freedom that be spirit of liberal democracy and parliamentary democracy have a place among the political elite. for example, the more grown political parties, freedom of the press, general elections and establishment of the parliament. The third division of this period is the period 1959th to 1966th. During this period the government system namely guided democracy as reaction of Sukarno's rejection to the parliamentary democracy system. The deprivation of human rights happened because the transformed of the political guidance in Indonesia.  The fourth division is period 1966th to 1998th, this period is the transfer of leadership between Soekarno to Soeharto where the human rights initially grown back because of the idea of the establishment of human rights in Indonesia, whereas in the 1980s human rights suffered a setback because it was no longer respected, protected and enforced. The setback is because the government no longer supported the human rights and it can be reflected in laws that generally restricted human rights. The government of that day claimed that human rights associated with the western countries which are pushing developing countries. The last division is 1998th to the present. The change of regime in 1998 gave a huge impact on the promotion and protection of human rights in Indonesia. At this time began to re-do an assessment some the new order of government policy which opposed with the concept of human rights. During this period human rights has been getting the recognition by the government because it re-inserted in the legislation of Indonesia.
In short, the development of human right in Indonesia is the long history where everybody take a part in every periods. These periods are pre-independence and after independence. As a young man we have to develop, enforce and apply it in our daily life to maintain the freedom of human rights in Indonesia.



        I.            Thesis statement: Indonesia as a growing country has a similarities and differences about education system with Finland.
     II.            Body
1.      Compulsory education and the progress report of system education in Indonesia and Finland.
A.     Compulsory education
B.     Progress report
2.      Although the education system in Indonesia and Finland have the similarities but they also have the big differences in teaching method, uniform, national exam, and teacher.
A.     Teaching method
B.     Uniform
C.     National exam
D.     Teacher
   III.            Conclusion
The education system in Finland is the good system which is not only guide and teach the students to develop their abilities but also build the good student’ character through the good system and qualified teachers. That’s why Finland is country with the best education system in the world. Indonesia have to adopt the education system of Finland in order to make Indonesia can create the smart and characterized people by a good education system.

Good education system is the most important thing for human being. It gives the people a new knowledge and keeps good relationship with others. It also can be used as a map to determine the future of people because with the good level education they will get a better job. As what happen in Finland, the country is with the best education system in the world.  Indonesia as a growing country has a similarities and differences about education system with Finland.
Compulsory education and the progress report of system education in Indonesia and Finland are almost same. Finland requires all the people to get education up to college in order to make them get it the government free up the education cost from primary school to college. Similar with Indonesia, the government requires the people to get the education and the government also free up the education cost to them even just until high school. Another similarity is when the end of semester both the schools in Finland and Indonesia will invite the parents of the students come to the school to get the information about the progress of students and discuss the next step that will be applied to teach the students related to the report of previous semester.
Although the education system in both of Indonesia and Finlad has the similarities but they also have the big differences in teaching method, uniform, national exam, and teacher. The teaching method in Indonesia is dominated by one direction method like lecture that make students bored and difficult to follow the learning process. Students also get a lot of homework that make they can not enjoy their free time at home because they have to do the homework. On the other hand, in Finland teachers apply “the learning is fun” method with create the good atmosphere in the classroom so the students will enjoy the learning process. For example, the teacher lets students to do group discussion, give them the motivation and never give them homework. The other difference is about uniform. In Indonesia the government decides to distinguish uniform in each level of education. In contrast, the government of Finland gives freedom to students in wearing the uniform to school. Other area of difference between education system in these countries is national exam. In Indonesia in each level of education the students must follow the national exam which determined they will continue to next education level or not. However in Finland the students follow the national exam only in the end of the senior high school as the way to continue their education to the university. The final difference is in Indonesia the teachers just graduated S1, but in Finland the teachers have to finish their postgraduate education and only ten best graduates who can be a teacher.
In conclusion, the education system in Finland is the best system which is not only guide and teach the students to develop their abilities but also build the good student’ character through the good system and qualified teachers. That’s why Finland is country with the best education system in the world. Indonesia have to adopt the education system in Finland in order to make Indonesia can create the smart and characterized people by a good education system.