Hot Potatoes creation

Here you'll find a variety medias for learning English made with Hot Potatoes.the first media created by J-cloze. Here you are required to fill in the gaps with the word. The words can be verb, noun or preposition. It can be used as a media to learn Grammar, reading or writing.

1. let see and do the exercise, the title of text is "VISIT to ASIA". you have to fill the gaps with To Infinitive

Please download here

the next media created using hot potatoes is multiple choice to test your reading ability

please click here to download

The next  media from the  Hot Potatoes is J Cross. The media for test  your students in listening. Because the media like a crossword, it will make the test be more fun and interesting.

click here  to dowload

hello guys, the next media created using J Mix by hot potatoes is here. In this media you can find the useful media to test your listening ability. Since the listening is one of the important skill in English so that in here i give you the media to test your listening ability. this media is really interactive and I give you the native speaker so beside you can solve the problem related to listening you also can to imitiate how the native speaker speak. this media really interesting because use computer system so you will get no bore in this your listening ability.

please download here for J Mix

The next media by hot potatoes is J match. This media also test your listening ability with 5 questions in it. like usually you will really enjoy to test your listening ability with this interactive media because use Computer system so you will not get bored.

please click here to download J match

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